


Welcome to my page..

The main aim of this site is to share some information that will be useful for math students in India. I am planning just to guide you to the right place where you can find what you need. For that purpose, you will find that the site is full of links to many other web pages instead of my own notes/articles. However, I plan to write some expository articles on selected topics, some tips for math students, and some ideas/polls for the betterment of math education/teaching (in India), all of which will be available on this site. Here I'm collecting some tips and techniques that may be of interest for the undergrad math teachers, and here are a few for the students.

And, I may also use this as a platform for communicating with my students.

Currently, I am teaching as an Assistant Professor (Ad-hoc) at the Department of Mathematics, Keshav Mahavidyalaya, University of Delhi.